2013년 5월 7일 화요일


Davichi is a south korea female duo. they consist of Lee Haeri and Kang Minkyung. The duo was grouped in 2008. befor they debuted. Kang Minkyung was famous for her beauty on the internet. their first song"Hate U Even though i love u" was released and earned "Rookie of the month(February). in 2009, they launched new album"8282". this song brought them popularity among publics. 

in 2010, the new song" stop the time" was recored at top on korean music chart. with this success.they began to show up in many entertainment and korean dramas. in 2011, they have another critical success, collaborating with T-ara. the song "we were in love" was prasied as the new style compaed to the previous songs.

In recent days, they released new album" be warmed". However, unlike the previous success, this song are not loved by publics,   even though the famous rap star Verbal Jint  featured.  

 Hate U Even though i love u(2008)


stop the time(2010) 

we were in love(2011)  

Be warmed(2013)

Source: 1.www.naver.com

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