2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Tayeon from SNSD

Tayeon from SNSD

She was a leader of SNSD from their debut and till year 2009. Since the Rule of being a leader was age, she had to be a leader but she mentioned in one of Korean TV show 'Gangsimjang' at 15th december 2009, that she decided to quit the leader. But still members are mentioning Tayeon as the leader, and now as Tayeon is not mentioning anyting against of the things other members has said, it seems that Tayeon is still undertaking a role of the leader.

She was at number 1 position of popularity voting for girls of Kpop idols from 2008 to 2010. But that also means she has a large anti-fan base as well.

She has a habit of staring body parts of other members of SNSD while on the TV shows. She has a history of raising 'Yuri'(SNSD)'s shirt, or staring at breast and thigh of Tiffany for a long time with smirk on her face.

It is said that her face is not that 'extremely' pretty. But she is more likely a artlessly cute girl. Some anti-fans criticize that her face is 'completed', but mens say that they are fallen to her 'younger sister-like' charm.

Tayeon is relatively small and tiny, but that is because she is always standing next to other tall members. She has actually fairly sexy-cute body.

(Written 'I'm 2cm taller than Sunny by 2cm!!!')

(Tayeon compared Sooyoung (SNSD))

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