2013년 5월 8일 수요일

Tiffany from SNSD

Tiffany from the Korean group SNSD.

Her real name is Stephanie Hwang, and her Korean name is Miyung Hwang. The name 'Tiffany' is originally the name her mother was trying to give her when she was born (but somehow changed to Stephani due to her father's preference).

It is known that Tiffany and Jessica (from SNSD) are born from the same hospital. (Is this a destiny??)

Her nicknames are Gorapany ('Goraphaduck' from pokemon), Gwadangpany(Gwadang means the sound produced when someone tripped down to the ground), Busutpany(Busut means 'mushroom'). Mainly they are derived by putting 'pany' at the back of some words.

She couldn't win the first price at the 'LA Korean festival' but she has received many business cards from many Korean Idol companies. One of them was the 'SM entertainment' and Tiffany, which was a big fan of 'Boa'(one of famous Kpop Idol) at that time was casted by SM entertainment. Her first roommate was 'Tayeon'(from SNSD)

She is a first show host of the show called 'Sonyun sonyu gayo backsu' from the Korean channel 'Mnet'. (15/11/07~13/06/08) and she let the program to the top program of the channel.

(She is criticized by many anti-fans due to her 'relatively' big head)

Many people who personally knows Tiffany says that she is a hard learner. Most of memebers of SNSD mention that Tiffany is 'hard-worker'. 'Sohyeon'(a member of SNSD) mentioned that she couldn't sleep few nights because Tiffany was practicing Korean grammars and vocabularies(Tiffany was born in America).

People from internet assume that Tiffany isn't that smart judging by her look, but it seems opposite by looking at the facts that she has learned Korean language and Japanese language extremely fast.

It is said that she didn't get any help from her family because they didn't want Tiffany being a singer, so that she had to come to Korea by herself. Because of that, when members of SNSD are vacant from their home, she has to stay at home because her families are still at the America.

After SNSD moved their home to new one at year 2009, she is using her own room, because unlike other members with families in Korea, she has to store all her belongings in her room, when other members could divide their belongings at home of their family.

(Tiffany making a presentation at Paris when SM entertainment had a showcase there)

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